Sanskrit Pronunciation Guide
• a is pronounced as u in but
ā is pronounced as a in father
i is pronounced as i in fin
ī is pronounced as ee in seed
u is pronounced as u in should
ū is pronounced as oo in roof
ṛ is pronounced as ri in rip
ṛ ́ is pronounced as ree in reed
ļ is pronounced as lary in salary
e is pronounced as ay in pay
ai is a combination of the letters a and i
o is pronounced as o in no
au is a combination of the letter a and u
k is pronounced as k in kite
kh is pronounced as ck-h in kick-hard
g is pronounced as g in goat
gh is pronounced as g-h in dig-hard
ń is pronounced as n in song
c is pronounced as ch in church
ch is pronounced as ch-h in staunch-heart
j is pronounced as j in jiffy
jh is pronounced as dge-h in hedge-hog
ñ is pronounced as ny in canyon
ṭ is pronounced as t in hot
ṭh is pronounced as t-h in hot-house
ḍ is pronounced as d in road
ḍh is pronounced as d-h in red-hot
ṇ is pronounced as na in nut
t is pronounced as t in hot
th is pronounced as t-h in hot-house or thick
d is pronounced as d in road
dh is pronounced as d-h in red-hot or th in though
n is pronounced as n in nut
p is pronounced as p in popcorn
ph is pronounced as p-h in up-hill (not like f)
b is pronounced as b in baby
bh is pronounced as b-h in tub-hot
m is pronounced as m in mother
y is pronounced as y in yes
r is pronounced as r in right
l is pronounced as l in light
v is pronounced as v in victory
ś is pronounced as sh in shut
ṣ is pronounced as sh in shine
s is pronounced as s in seven
h is pronounced as h in heaven
• ḿ is pronounced as n in wrong
ḥ, for example as in ah,̣ is pronounced as aha |